Civil dialogue for the rights of women and children in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In order to improve the status of women and children in BiH, as the final beneficiaries of the project, the representatives of civil society who are responsible for the protection of women's and children's rights are elected for the target group. Representatives of the civil society are considered to be all partners in the creation of the civil society, including non-governmental organizations, independent political foundations, community-based organizations, non-profit agencies for the private sector, and institutions and organizations at the local and national level.

The project will also strengthen the capacities of representatives of governmental institutions responsible for the improvement of the status of women and children in BiH and the area of establishing civil dialogue.

Finally, the final beneficiaries - women and children in BiH will have the use of the project implementation as follows:
• Through the civil society, they will have a chance to directly participate in civil dialogue as one of the interest parties
• On the unique internet portal, they will have an opportunity to learn more about the current strategies and reform changes which can influence the improvement of their status
• Using the resources of the portal / platform they will have a chance to learn more about the practice of the civil society in the countries of the European Union and their standards
• They will have an opportunity to learn more about the civil society organizations advocating their interests, which will increase the possibilities for a direct resorting to and making arguments for the needs of this group

On the basis of the up to three planned changes in law during the project implementation, women and children in BiH will have a direct use of the achieved results of the established civil dialogue.


The main objective is directed towards strengthening civil society of BiH so that it would become an effective force for positive changes in the status of women and children in this country. The realization of the project is intended to contribute to the main objective by:
a) strengthening the capacities of the civil and governmental sector in creating the dialogue for effective reforms, in keeping with the practices of EU organizations;
b) improving the cooperation of the civil sector and the government for the purpose of improving the quality of preparation and implementation of strategic documents and programmes for the improvement of the status of women and children in BiH;
c) ensuring the direct participation of the civil society in the protection of women's and children's rights;
d) providing the opportunity for targeted civil society's action to protect the rights of women and children in BiH which will be verified with up to three changes in law regulations for the improvement of the status of women and children in BiH.


For the purpose of achieving the expected results, the following group of activities is planned:
• The analysis of civil society capacities in BiH for a constructive dialogue which leads to reforms, which will serve as the basis for planning the most suitable forms of realization of further activities.
• Workshops on dialogue for changes with EU-based organizations, governmental institutions and civil society from BiH, whose purpose will be the acquisition of skills and knowledge for the establishment of an effective civil dialogue for the improvement of the status of women and children in BiH.
• Realization of the Open parliaments for the representatives of the governmental sector and the civil society about key reforms, legal changes and the change of policies for resolving and improving the status of women and children in BiH. This will be an opportunity for a direct exchange of opinions, which will contribute to the establishment of mechanisms for formal consulting with the civil society.
• Monitoring of the implementation of the Code on consultation of the Council of Ministers, which will give an overview of the Code by the civil society and the governmental sector.
• Creating an internet platform for a free exchange of information between the civil society and the governmental institutions, for the purpose of focused and inter-sector activities on improving the status of women and children in BiH. The platform will be a unique portal for the civil society and the governmental sector which will argue the forms of cooperation and action on the preparation of strategic documents for the improvement of the status of women and children in BiH. The platform will unite as huge number of civil society organizations as possible and give them a chance to use the portal to promote their own ideas, as well as to set up a standardized process of consultations with the governmental institutions. Besides the fact that the internet platform will ensure the cohesion of civil society organizations and actions targeted on the improvement of the status of women and children in BIH, each interest group will also have a chance to develop independently. The only difference is that, for the first time, the civil society organizations will be able to compare their activities and ideas with others organizations and civil society protagonists in BiH. The internet platform, through which the realization of civil dialogue will be monitored from the beginning of the project, will remain active even after the official completion of the project.
• Implementation of up to three positive changes for the purpose of improving the status of women and children in BiH through synchronized and focused activities of civil sector within the established internet platform, which will ensure a concrete change for the final project beneficiaries, and, at the same time, prove that focused activities of the civil society are productive and that it represents an effective force for changes.

Having in mind that the project realization will ensure the establishment of the capacities of the civil society and governmental institutions to hold effective dialogue which will lead to the improvement of the status of women and children in BiH, it is important to mention that the period of the project implementation (20 months) will provide enough time for the use of the acquired knowledge. After primary education and presentations, it is expected from the representatives of the civil and governmental sector to hold civil dialogue on the key documents and reform changes relating to women and children in BiH. This process will be monitored during the project realization and published as Civil dialogue - respect of human rights of women and children in BiH.

Connection information:

Start of the project "Civil dialogue for children's and women's rights in BiH";

Association Vesta signed a new contract with the delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina;