Preparations to conduct a research on corruption at the Universities of Tuzla and Banja Luka
Within the project „Introducing anticorruption measures at Universities in BiH“, Vesta Association and the partner organisation Omladinski komunikativni centar - OKC from Banja Luka, in cooperation with the independent research agency Kronauer Consulting from Sarajevo, is preparing for the research on "Mapping the forms of corruption“, to be carried out at the two Universities (Tuzla and Banja Luka), where this project is being implemented.
The objective of this research is to map the students' perception of the forms of corruption at universities. Results of the research will form a good basis for the drafting of the Program of anticorruption measures, which will be produced with the participation of students and other members of the academic community. A document produced like this, through a series of workshops and focus groups will be a concrete product of the beneficiaries themselves, and will carry an additional weight of ownership as such.
The foreseen research sample is 2000 students at both universities, with a clearly stratified structure of representation per faculty, study program, academic year, etc. Given that it only involves two universities, this sample is more than representative, and given that research will be carried out by an independent agency with a quality methodology and tehnical approach, the obtained results will certainly be very relevant. Research is planned to start in December this year.